Thursday, June 28, 2012

::My New Challenge~~Running a 5k::

I hate running.

I don't think anyone could hate running more than I did/do. 

Not because of the endurance...I loved pushing past that pain and experiencing a certain nirvana.

Not because of the intensity...I love breaking out in an extreme sweat.

But because I feel very self conscious about the way I ran. I mean, if I pound the pavement people would see me pound the pavement. I didn't like people watching me exercise.

However, after coming back from a family reunion where I was poked and prodded and comments like, "Oh, she gained weight and [my sister] lost it," and "She's the fat twin now," I began to wonder whether or not I had let myself go. I realized that my one year of graduate school,  stress of teaching, working on the weekends and my new romance (which failed miserably) allowed me to eat, eat and eat. And it wasn't until 2 weeks ago, when I stepped on the scale at Publix (Hey! You have too...admit it) and it read 145 lbs that I knew I needed to change.

145 lbs and feeling every pound!!!! How in the hell did i let it get that bad?

Well, I actually know the answer to that question. Every time I announce I'm going to lose weight, I've always been told that I looked fine.

"You have the perfect shape."

"That's not love-handles, that's ass-meat."

"I love your thick thighs."

But, I've come to the realization that I want to lose weight for me. I want my body to look a certain way and that's ok. It doesn't mean I don't love myself, I just want to better myself.

My Body-Idol: Teyana Taylor
So, a week ago at my internship, I received information that the organization was hosting a 5k run/walk and a light bulb came on.

I'm going to run a 5k which is equals to about 3 miles in October and I'm extremely excited.

I'm pushing my insecurities to the back of my mind and going for it! Besides, have you ever sense an fat runner?

By using the Couch to 5k Program, I found a regimen that is easy to follow and makes me feel really good about the hard work I'm putting in.

I can't wait to get that lovely runner's body!!!!

Or a body like Teyana Taylor's. :-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

::My name is Natalie and I am a Facebook Addict::

My name is Natalie and I am a Facebook Addict.

Like numerous young ladies out there, I have been addicted to Facebook since my incorporation. Updating my statuses on trivial matters and posing in my Webcam for the perfect Facebook profile pic was part of my daily life. I also scoured my newfeed just to see what others thought, to see what they looked like and to see if their life was a perfect as I tried to make mine.

But, 6 years later, i realized that my addiction was one that needed to be stopped.

A new study came out stating that Facebook causes "low self esteem," and I am inclined to believe that. Why? Because I've been battling with low self esteem from some time and Facebook hasn't really helped. Aside from the drama that I've experienced during Facebook phases, the social networking site has done nothing but threw my already fragile confidence into a tailspin down the abyss. Granted, all this was because of me.

It was hard looking at everyone's smiling profile pictures and wondering why I wasn't so happy.

It was hard seeing the relationship statuses being doted with those infuriating hearts, the comments of "Who is he?" and "Awww," coupled with 24 likes and wondering why I wasn't in a relationship.

Again, my confidence was already fragile do to some traumatic experiences...I wasn't ready for the life that social networking entailed.

So, I quit using Facebook regularly. And it has been the best decision of my life.