Sunday, July 24, 2011

:: Nice Guys Finish Last? Just an Excuse.... ::

I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase, "Nice Guys Finish Last," from various dudes who have been rejected by more than 1 woman. They speak as if women are pushing aside guys who open doors and pull out chairs for them for assholes who devalue them and treat them as side pieces.
And that is not the case.
I would argue that there is something little more complex to this "nice guy syndrome."

Maybe it's not that these guys to are too nice.... maybe it's because these nice guys have an extreme case of feminine energy.

I'm an extreme observer of people... it's my favorite past time. :-) I have a habit of feeling people's energy, especially men. So this is what I've found out regarding this subject....

Now there is feminine energy and masculine energy. A man with masculine energy would be Mr. Macho, "take charge," agressive, breadwinner type... A man with a feminine energy is usually a lot more passive and senstive.

I would put a lot of nice guys in the catergory of a "feminine energy." Many nice guys are passive and extremely senstive--or at least they seem to be.

Women tend to go for the masculine guy, the man they believe will protect and provide. Women do not like men who seem to be timid and insecure i.e. the nice guys. We don't like any sign of weakness i.e. the nice guys. We are not attracted to weakness. NEVER. EVER. EVER.

It's like when a female animal is trying to find a mate.

se's not searching for the male animal that lost the battle. She's looking for a mate that will 1.) protect--fight for her and 2.) provide. And when it comes time for both male animals to flex their muscles in the arena it is the aggresive one that wins the girl, not the one that was passive.

Not the one that cries more than her, not the one that whines about the last girl that did him wrong and not the one that will whimp out when it comes time to fight--and leave the girl to fight on her own (I've seen that happen before LOL).

Yes, it's perfectly fine to be a nice guy. We women like nice guys :-) But, fellas, you HAVE to show your masculine side once in a while.

No, we don't want you to throw us agains the wall and devalue us.

Women want to be powerful all day at work. Be the BOSS. Have prominence and prestige...but, when we come home we want to feel like a WOMAN, not a MAN.

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