Thursday, August 4, 2011

:: Rules of Caking/Talking--What I've Learned ::

I'm not a serial "caker." LOL

I'm not always talking to some guy...there's not always a new boo (ugh, I hate that word) in my life every week.

When I decide to give a guy my precious attention (and that's after serious contemplation by asking the right questions and observation), I'm not talking to them out of boredom--I usually have an interest to be in a relationship with them sooner rather than later down the road.

So far I haven't had any luck yet :-) ; however, I've learned key elements throughout each of my experiences that makes the next one a lot easier.

1.) Know what you want.

Don't go into this all willy-nilly, whichever the wind blows you go. Know what you want in a significant other and that's not just physical. Do you want that person to be independent
(meaning not up under you all the time), funny, charismatic, artistic...

Whatever qualities you want in a significant other, you should be looking for while you're talking to a person. But know that you may not get all the qualities you would like... and some of them vary in degrees. But that's OKAY! That makes a person unique.

2.) Do not tell your life story too quickly.

If you tell him about all about yourself in the first 2 weeks, what is there to look forward to? It's always best to SHOW not TELL. You can say, "Oh, I like to like to write!" or you can let him call you and when he asks you what you're doing tell him you're writing. Then, he'll think he's discovering more and more about you as the weeks go on.

It's always best to leave him wanting to know more about you. Surprise him!


We women...we talk to much, I'm just gonna say it. We do. LOL And when we meet a new guy, we're always the ones talking. We aren't listening to a guy and we're not observing his actions.

If you meet a dude and are actually LISTENING to what he's saying, instead of looking at his pecs, muscular arms and tight ass... you just might save yourself a lot of heartbreak. My mom always says if a guy says he's a certain way, BELIEVE it! Don't try to change it. (Oh, that's another blog post right there!!! LOL).

This next and final thing I've learned was not through my experiences, but through the experiences of others...

4.) NEVER EVER tell your sexual history to a guy you just met.

That's just common sense!

If by the second conversation you guys are talking about sex most of the time that means he either wanted to have sex with you in the first place OR you told so much of your sexual business that he's curious and is placing having sex with you instead of getting to know you as a higher priority.

You're giving too much away too fast! Leave a little to the mystery, okay?

I think I'm gonna have to do a whole series on these cause I can definitely go into detail!

Stay tuned! :-)

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